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Macro to loop through variables and store results SAS

I have the following variables: A_Bldg B_Bldg C_Bldg D_Bldg. I want to multiply them by INTSF and store the result in a new variable, Sale_i. For example, A_Bldg * INTSF = Sale_A, B_Bldg * INTSF = Sale_B, and so on.

My code is:

%macro loopit(mylist);
%let n=%sysfunc(countw(&mylist));
%do J = 1 %to &n;
%let i = %scan(&mylist,&J);

  data test;
  set data;
  sale_&i. = &i._Bldg * INTSF;


%let list = A B C D;

This only produces Sale_D, which is the last letter in the list. How do I get Sales A-C to appear? The first four lines of code are so I can loop through the text A-D. I thought about doing it with arrays, but didn't know how to choose the variables based on the A-D indicators. Thanks for your help!


  • You're currently looping through your list and recreating the test dataset every time, so it only appears to have sale_d because you're only viewing the last iteration.

    You can clean up your loop by scanning through your list in one data step to solve your problem:

    %let list = A B C D;
    %macro loopit;
        data test;
            set data;
                %do i = 1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&list.));
                %let this_letter = %scan(&list., &i.);
                    sale_&this_letter. = &this_letter._Bldg * INTSF;
    %mend loopit;