I have a service class say 'HostService'
class HostService {
private val platformService: PlatformService = null
def views: Option[HostView] = {
val ip = "10.x.x.x"
if (!this.isReachable(ip))
throw new IPNotFoundException
var versionInfo: Option[String] = null
versionInfo = platformService.contextPathOf("version") match {
case versionInfo if (versionInfo == Some(null)) => Option("")
case versionInfo => versionInfo
def isReachable(ip:String) :Boolean = {
// makes a URl connection and checks if IP is reachable
Now I want to write a Unit Test case 'HostServiceTest' using Mockito. I will create a instance of host service and mock platform service and spy this host service instance to mock isReachable method.
class HostServiceTest extends FlatSpec with Mockables with OptionValues with BeforeAndAfter {
var platformService: PlatformService = _
before {
platformService = mock[PlatformService]
it should "return response with out error " in {
val hostService: HostService = new HostService
mockField(hostService, "platformService", platformService)
val hostServiceSpy = spy(hostService)
doReturn(true).when(hostServiceSpy ).isReachable(anyString())
val data = hostService.views
// Some validation Checks
In the test case Instead of calling the mocked method of isReachable, It is going into the actual method.
I saw this question Mockito: Trying to spy on method is calling the original method and I did follow the way of stubbing they suggested and yet it is calling the actual one.o
What might be wrong in this?
When mocking the field, make sure it is 'var' if it is val the mocker cannot set the field to new value.
Your HostService is having platformService declared as val(which means final)
class HostService {
private val platformService: PlatformService = null
As soon as you create hostService, it will have a final field platformService.
val hostService: HostService = new HostService
When you try mocking the platformService field it will mock API will tries to reset the platformService, which it could not as it is final.
mockField(hostService, "platformService", platformService)
Fix: Try changing the platformService to var
private var platformService: PlatformService = null