I have a frontend written in menhir
which tries to parse an expression: from a string to an expression AST. The entry point of the frontend Parser_e.main
is called in several different places in my OCaml code. So I would like to be able to catch possible errors inside the frontend rather than outside. When catching an error, a particular important information I want to show is the entire input string that the frontend cannot parse. (Errors from the lexer are very rare, because the frontend can almost read everything).
So I tried to follow this thread, and to print more information when there is an error. In parser_e.mly
, I have added
exception LexErr of string
exception ParseErr of string
let error msg start finish =
Printf.sprintf "(line %d: char %d..%d): %s" start.pos_lnum
(start.pos_cnum - start.pos_bol) (finish.pos_cnum - finish.pos_bol) msg
let parse_error msg nterm =
raise (ParseErr (error msg (rhs_start_pos nterm) (rhs_end_pos nterm)))
/* empty */ { EE_empty }
| INTEGER { EE_integer $1 }
| DOUBLE { EE_double $1 }
| error { parse_error "e_expression" 1; ERR "" }
But it still does not have the input string as information. Does anyone if there is any function I am missing to get that?
In the context of an error you can extract a location of failed lexeme in a format of two positions, using Parsing.symbol_start_pos
and Parsing.symbol_end_pos
functions. Unfortunately Parsing
module doesn't really provide an access to the lexeme as a string, but if the input was stored in file then it is possible to extract it manually or print an error in a compiler style, that a descent IDE will understand and highlight it manually. A module Parser_error
is below. It defines function Parser_error.throw
that will raise an Parser_error.T
exception. The exception caries a diagnostic message and a position of a failed lexeme. Several handy functions are provided to extract this lexeme from a file, or to generate a fileposition message. If your input is not stored in a file, then you can use string_of_exn
function that accepts the input as a string and the Parser_error.T
exception, and extracts the offending substring from it. This is an example of a parser that uses this exception for error reporting.
open Lexing
(** T(message,start,finish) parser failed with a [message] on an
input specified by [start] and [finish] position.*)
exception T of (string * position * position)
(** [throw msg] raise a [Parser_error.T] exception with corresponding
message. Must be called in a semantic action of a production rule *)
let throw my_unique_msg =
let check_pos f = try f () with _ -> dummy_pos in
Printexc.(print_raw_backtrace stderr (get_raw_backtrace ()));
let sp = check_pos Parsing.symbol_start_pos in
let ep = check_pos Parsing.symbol_end_pos in
raise (T (my_unique_msg,sp,ep))
(** [fileposition start finish] creates a string describing a position
of an lexeme specified by [start] and [finish] file positions. The
message has the same format as OCaml and GNU compilers, so it is
recognized by most IDE, e.g., Emacs. *)
let fileposition err_s err_e =
"\nFile \"%s\", line %d, at character %d-%d\n"
err_s.pos_fname err_s.pos_lnum err_s.pos_cnum err_e.pos_cnum
(** [string_of_exn line exn] given a [line] in a file, extract a failed
lexeme form the exception [exn] and create a string denoting the
parsing error in a format similar to the format used by OCaml
compiler, i.e., with fancy underlying. *)
let string_of_exn line (msg,err_s,err_e) =
let b = Buffer.create 42 in
if err_s.pos_fname <> "" then
Buffer.add_string b (fileposition err_s err_e);
Buffer.add_string b
(Printf.sprintf "Parse error: %s\n%s\n" msg line);
let start = max 0 (err_s.pos_cnum - err_s.pos_bol) in
for i=1 to start do
Buffer.add_char b ' '
let diff = max 1 (err_e.pos_cnum - err_s.pos_cnum) in
for i=1 to diff do
Buffer.add_char b '^'
Buffer.contents b
(** [extract_line err] a helper function that will extract a line from
a file designated by the parsing error exception *)
let extract_line err =
let line = ref "" in
let ic = open_in err.pos_fname in
for i=0 to max 0 (err.pos_lnum - 1) do
line := input_line ic
close_in ic;
with exn -> !line
(** [to_string exn] converts an exception to a string *)
let to_string ((msg,err,_) as exn) =
let line = extract_line err in
string_of_exn line exn
Here is an example, that shows how to use in case if there is no file, and input is from a stream or interactive (shell-like) source:
let parse_command line =
let lbuf = Lexing.from_string line in
`Ok Parser.statement Lexer.tokens lbuf
| Parsing.Parse_error -> `Fail "Parse error"
| Parser_error.T exn -> `Fail (Parser_error.string_of_exn line exn)