I try to deploy an UWP application on a Windows 10 tablet. The remote debugger is correctly installed on the remote machine and the connection is accepted by it. But when I deploy app from my PC, I get this error:
DEP4300 : Could not generate the root folder for app package packageName|VS.Debug_x86.Username|CN=123456AA-AAAA-1111-2222-111111111111|packageNameVS.Debug_x86.Username with base layout folder of C:\Users\userName\AppData\Local\DevelopmentFiles. Caractères non conformes dans le chemin d'accès.
(I replaced values)
Note that I can deploy this app on my local machine and my Windows mobile device (by USB).
For anyone who is struggling with this error message when deploying to Windows 10 IOT Core on a Raspberry Pi, here's my fix. This may apply to other Universal Windows devices, though I can't say for sure.
I started getting this error when deploying to a Raspberry Pi after upgrading Visual Studio 2015 Pro to the latest update. I followed the suggestion of updating the remote debugger tools with no success. After some troubleshooting and trial and error I learned that the issue was my Raspberry Pi itself. The Pi was running an older operating system (an older Windows 10 IOT Core build) that didn't work with the new deployment method being used by my updated development environment and remote debugger tools.
Using the Windows 10 IoT Dashboard, I flashed my SD card with the latest operating system, put the card back in the Pi, and now my deployments & debugging are working as expected.
Hope this helps somebody else! :-)