I'm trying to change passwords on more than 1000 hosts running windows server 2008/2012. They assigned to different domains, so I connect to them via their IP, all of them have PowerShell remoting open. Stuck at my script implementation. For now I just want to connect to single host and change the password of the user or admin whatever.
Here is the code I use
$username = "UserWhose Password I want to change"
$password = ConvertTo-SecureString "users old password" -AsPlainText -Force
$cred = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $username, $password
$serverNameOrIp = "host ip address here"
$s = New-PSSession -ComputerName $serverNameOrIp -Authentication default -Credential $cred
#invoke the scriptblock remotely
$sb = {
"`$Admin.SetPassword(`"Users new password`")"
Invoke-Command -Session $s -ScriptBlock $sb
Remove-PSSession $s
Now, the console output I get:
PS C:\> ./script [ADSI]$Admin="WinNT://WIN-TA49U0TR9GT/Administrator" $Admin.SetPassword("Users new password") PS C:\>
"WinNT://WIN-TA49U0TR9GT/Administrator" belongs to remote host, my local computername and a username are different. I'm not getting any error or proper output here. The password isn't changing. If I try to run these commands manually on any host - it works.
Any suggestions? Maybe a working solutions?
You define the commands you want to run on the remote host as strings inside a scriptblock. When you invoke the scriptblock on the remote host it does what PowerShell does with all bare strings: echo them.
Remove the outer quoting and escaping and the code should work as you expect:
$sb = {
[ADSI]$Admin = "WinNT://$env:COMPUTERNAME/$env:USERNAME"
$Admin.SetPassword("Users new password")
The scriptblock already prevents variables from being expanded in the current context.