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SQL Server: reset identity on any delete action

Let's take a simple example. There's a table named test:

enter image description here

Now I'm gonna delete some data without reset the identity log:

enter image description here

When I insert new data, the new id will be 7:

enter image description here

I'd like that on every delete query the DBCC CHECKIDENT function was automatically called to reset the identity on table test. So, when I'd insert 'Purple', its id would be 4. Is there a way to do this?


  • You can create a DELETE TRIGGER and then use

    SQL Fiddle Demo

    CREATE TRIGGER sampleTrigger
        ON dbo.test
        FOR DELETE
        DECLARE @maxID int;
        SELECT @maxID = MAX(id)
        FROM test;
        DBCC CHECKIDENT (test, RESEED, @maxID);

    So next insert will use 4.

    enter image description here

    But again this isnt something you should really be worry about it