(Pic is provided)So I have been following tutorial on webpack i followed instruction but when im hitting port 8080 im seeing this instead of component template, im using webpack-dev-server
This is webpack.config.js
var webpack = require("webpack");
var htmlwebpack = require('html-webpack-plugin');
//consfiguring object
module.exports = {
entry : "./src/main.ts",
output : {
path : "./dist",
filename : "app.bundle.js"
//out first module for ts
module : {
loaders : [
{test : /\.ts$/, loader : 'ts'}
//what extension should be look for
resolve : {
extensions : ['', '.ts','.js']
Plugin :[
new htmlwebpack({
template : './src/index.html'
The server look for the index.html that was in the dist folder thats why i displayed whole structure that found, quite logical, move index.html from dist(that was defualt with html-webpack-plugin) lost my 50 points :( for bounty