As the question says, I'd like to set some variable to user session when the user get logged and remove this variable on logout or browser close.
Initially I thought to write my custom login view to achieve this, but probably a middleware is a better solution.
The middleware wasn't the right way to achieve the solution. I discovered the signals and I implemented my solution in this way:
def sig_user_logged_in(sender, user, request, **kwargs):
moderator = get_or_none(CompanyModerator, moderator__user=request.user)
if moderator:
if 'company_id' not in request.session:
request.session['company_id'] =
The difference is that a middleware is triggered on each django request, when the needs was just do something when the user get logged-in/out. Each time that an user get logged-in/out we add some data/object-models etc.. to the session to track the user all around the website.
What do you think?