I'm using MATLAB to plot the Lorenz attractor and was wondering how I could export the XYZ coordinates to a 3D printable file! I'm having trouble going from the XYZ coordinates to a surface (should I even do that?). In addition, even thinking of the Lorenz Attractor as a "surface" seems not right to me, since my understanding is that it's more of a "path."
My code so far:
clear all; clc; clf;
dt = .01;
n = 100; %Number of Drawings
t = 0:dt:n; %Time Scale
x = 1;
y = 1;
z = 1;
xyz0 = [x y z];
[t,xyz] = ode45(@rhs, t, xyz0);
x = xyz(:,1);
y = xyz(:,2);
z = xyz(:,3);
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PLOTTING %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
rotate3d on;
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% RHS FOR ODE45 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
function xyzdot = rhs(t,xyz)
sigma = 10;
b = 8/3;
r = 100;
x = xyz(1);
y = xyz(2);
z = xyz(3);
dxdt = sigma*(y - x);
dydt = r*x - y - x*z;
dzdt = x*y - b*z;
xyzdot = [dxdt; dydt; dzdt];
I tried this earlier:
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y);
surf(X, Y, z);
But nothing's working. The error says z must be a matrix, and I'm a bit lost.
cannot work because you are plotting a curve. Mesh wants matrices as input.
To plot a curve you can use plot3
. Try this:
plot3(x, y, z);
grid on