I should edit my vhost.conf
for one domain on my VPS. I use plesk 12.5 on centos 7.
I should add directive:
ServerAlias "*.foo.bar"
to permit wordpress to manage multisite.
I have followed many guides, but I'm not be able to edit configuration.
I have tried to edit /var/www/vhosts/foo.bar/conf/vhost.conf , but file not exist. I have created this one and i have added directive. After that i have launched:
/usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/httpdmng --reconfigure-all
service httpd restart
But Plesk ignore this file.
I have even tried to add directive on Plesk > Subscription > domain.tld > Apache & Nginx Settings (http and https)
, but plesk still ignoring me.
Any hint to solve?
Because of nginx corresponded derictives should be added not only in vhost.conf
but in vhost_nginx.conf
as well (note for system folder):
# for apache
printf '\nServerAlias "*.foo.bar"\n' >> /var/www/vhosts/system/foo.bar/conf/vhost.conf
chgrp apache /var/www/vhosts/system/foo.bar/conf/vhost.conf
# for nginx
printf '\nserver_name *.foo.bar;\n' >> /var/www/vhosts/system/foo.bar/conf/vhost_nginx.conf
chgrp nginx /var/www/vhosts/system/foo.bar/conf/vhost_nginx.conf
Same for Plesk > Subscription > foo.bar > Apache & Nginx Settings
(http and https and nginx)