When excluding C# files in SonarQube, fxcop issues are still listed for these excluded files. We tried different ways to exclude the C# files, in the SonarQube server settings, but also in the ms project files, like this:
<Compile Include="test.cs">
Even though this file is clearly excluded, fxcop issues regarding the file are still listed. It somehow seems that SonarQube did not parse the information that the issues are connected to that file. The issues are listed in the proper module but without line numbers for the file, even though the raw output of the build contains the line number in the fxop issue.
Does anyone know how to properly exclude C# files in SonarQube, so that fxcop issues are also not listed?
I could reproduce this issue and can't provide any way to get rid of those FxCop issues. Here is our JIRA ticket for the issue, you can follow its progress: https://jira.sonarsource.com/browse/SONARMSBRU-259