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FirebaseRecyclerAdapter : pass Activity Context to ViewHolder

Every action in list item is handled from RecyclerView.ViewHolder Actually, i want to pass Activity context to ViewHolder in FirebaseRecyclerAdapter so I tried to add Constructor to this ViewHolder as below:

public class TodoViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {

    AppCompatCheckBox mAppCompatCheckBox;
    AppCompatTextView mAppCompatTextView;
    AppCompatImageButton mAppCompatImageButton;
    private Context mContext;

    public TodoViewHolder(Context context, View itemView) {
        mContext = context;
        ButterKnife.bind(this, itemView);

    public AppCompatCheckBox getmAppCompatCheckBox() {
        return mAppCompatCheckBox;

    public AppCompatTextView getmAppCompatTextView() {
        return mAppCompatTextView;

    public AppCompatImageButton getmAppCompatImageButton() {
        return mAppCompatImageButton;

    void onCheckBoxChange(CompoundButton compoundButton, boolean checked) {
        TodoMasterModel todoMasterModel = (TodoMasterModel) compoundButton.getTag();
        ((HomeActivity) mContext).onDoneClick(todoMasterModel, AddEditDialogFragment.ACTION_Edit);
        Log.i("Checkbox", todoMasterModel.toString());

    void onTextViewClick(View view) {
        TodoMasterModel todoMasterModel = (TodoMasterModel) view.getTag();
        ((HomeActivity) mContext).showAddEditDialog(todoMasterModel, AddEditDialogFragment.ACTION_Edit);
        Log.i("TextView", todoMasterModel.toString());

    void onImageButtonClick(View view) {
        TodoMasterModel todoMasterModel = (TodoMasterModel) view.getTag();
        Log.i("Delete", todoMasterModel.toString());

I created my class and modified FirebaseRecyclerAdapter for my purpose as below:

public abstract class MyFirebaseAdapter<T, VH extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder> extends RecyclerView.Adapter<VH> {

    private Context mContext;
    protected int mModelLayout;
    Class<T> mModelClass;
    Class<VH> mViewHolderClass;
    FirebaseArray mSnapshots;

     * @param modelClass      Firebase will marshall the data at a location into an instance of a class that you provide
     * @param modelLayout     This is the layout used to represent a single item in the list. You will be responsible for populating an
     *                        instance of the corresponding view with the data from an instance of modelClass.
     * @param viewHolderClass The class that hold references to all sub-views in an instance modelLayout.
     * @param ref             The Firebase location to watch for data changes. Can also be a slice of a location, using some
     *                        combination of <code>limit()</code>, <code>startAt()</code>, and <code>endAt()</code>
    public MyFirebaseAdapter(Context context, Class<T> modelClass, int modelLayout, Class<VH> viewHolderClass, Query ref) {
        mContext = context;
        mModelClass = modelClass;
        mModelLayout = modelLayout;
        mViewHolderClass = viewHolderClass;
        mSnapshots = new FirebaseArray(ref);

        mSnapshots.setOnChangedListener(new FirebaseArray.OnChangedListener() {
            public void onChanged(EventType type, int index, int oldIndex) {
                switch (type) {
                    case Added:
                    case Changed:
                    case Removed:
                    case Moved:
                        notifyItemMoved(oldIndex, index);
                        throw new IllegalStateException("Incomplete case statement");

     * @param modelClass      Firebase will marshall the data at a location into an instance of a class that you provide
     * @param modelLayout     This is the layout used to represent a single item in the list. You will be responsible for populating an
     *                        instance of the corresponding view with the data from an instance of modelClass.
     * @param viewHolderClass The class that hold references to all sub-views in an instance modelLayout.
     * @param ref             The Firebase location to watch for data changes. Can also be a slice of a location, using some
     *                        combination of <code>limit()</code>, <code>startAt()</code>, and <code>endAt()</code>
    public MyFirebaseAdapter(Context context, Class<T> modelClass, int modelLayout, Class<VH> viewHolderClass, DatabaseReference ref) {
        this(context, modelClass, modelLayout, viewHolderClass, (Query) ref);

    public void cleanup() {

    public int getItemCount() {
        return mSnapshots.getCount();

    public T getItem(int position) {
        return parseSnapshot(mSnapshots.getItem(position));

     * This method parses the DataSnapshot into the requested type. You can override it in subclasses
     * to do custom parsing.
     * @param snapshot the DataSnapshot to extract the model from
     * @return the model extracted from the DataSnapshot
    protected T parseSnapshot(DataSnapshot snapshot) {
        return snapshot.getValue(mModelClass);

    public DatabaseReference getRef(int position) {
        return mSnapshots.getItem(position).getRef();

    public long getItemId(int position) {
        return mSnapshots.getItem(position).getKey().hashCode();

    public VH onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
        ViewGroup view = (ViewGroup) LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext()).inflate(viewType, parent, false);
        try {
            Constructor<VH> constructor = mViewHolderClass.getConstructor(View.class);
            return constructor.newInstance(mContext, view);
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        } catch (InstantiationException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    public void onBindViewHolder(VH viewHolder, int position) {
        T model = getItem(position);
        populateViewHolder(viewHolder, model, position);

    public int getItemViewType(int position) {
        return mModelLayout;

     * Each time the data at the given Firebase location changes, this method will be called for each item that needs
     * to be displayed. The first two arguments correspond to the mLayout and mModelClass given to the constructor of
     * this class. The third argument is the item's position in the list.
     * <p>
     * Your implementation should populate the view using the data contained in the model.
     * @param viewHolder The view to populate
     * @param model      The object containing the data used to populate the view
     * @param position   The position in the list of the view being populated
    abstract protected void populateViewHolder(VH viewHolder, T model, int position);

Error is coming because of this line:

return constructor.newInstance(mContext, view);

But I am getting NoSuchMethod exception. I knew I am doing it wrong. But i am not getting the way to do it. Can anyone help me with it ?

java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: [class android.view.View] at at$Adapter.createViewHolder( at$Recycler.getViewForPosition( at$Recycler.getViewForPosition( at$ at at at at at at at android.view.View.layout( at android.view.ViewGroup.layout( at android.widget.LinearLayout.setChildFrame( at android.widget.LinearLayout.layoutHorizontal( at android.widget.LinearLayout.onLayout( at android.view.View.layout( at android.view.ViewGroup.layout( at at at$ScrollingViewBehavior.onLayoutChild( at at android.view.View.layout( at android.view.ViewGroup.layout( at at android.view.View.layout( at android.view.ViewGroup.layout( at android.widget.FrameLayout.layoutChildren( at android.widget.FrameLayout.onLayout( at android.view.View.layout( at android.view.ViewGroup.layout( at android.widget.LinearLayout.setChildFrame( at android.widget.LinearLayout.layoutVertical( at android.widget.LinearLayout.onLayout( at android.view.View.layout( at android.view.ViewGroup.layout( at android.widget.FrameLayout.layoutChildren( at android.widget.FrameLayout.onLayout( at android.view.View.layout( at android.view.ViewGroup.layout( at android.widget.LinearLayout.setChildFrame( at android.widget.LinearLayout.layoutVertical( at android.widget.LinearLayout.onLayout( at android.view.View.layout( at android.view.ViewGroup.layout( at android.widget.FrameLayout.layoutChildren( at android.widget.FrameLayout.onLayout( at$DecorView.onLayout( at android.view.View.layout( at android.view.ViewGroup.layout( at android.view.ViewRootImpl.performLayout( at android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals( at android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal( at android.view.ViewRootImpl$ at android.view.Choreographer$ at


  • Solution:

    I created an interface as below:

    public interface OnTodoActionListener {
        void onCheckBoxChange(CompoundButton compoundButton, boolean checked);
        void onTextViewClick(View view);
        void onImageButtonClick(View view);

    Then, I created an object of this interface in Activity as:

    private OnTodoActionListener mOnTodoActionListener;
    mOnTodoActionListener = new OnTodoActionListener() {
            public void onCheckBoxChange(CompoundButton compoundButton, boolean checked) {
                TodoMasterModel todoMasterModel = (TodoMasterModel) compoundButton.getTag();
                onDoneClick(todoMasterModel, AddEditDialogFragment.ACTION_Edit);
                Log.i("Checkbox", todoMasterModel.toString());
            public void onTextViewClick(View view) {
                TodoMasterModel todoMasterModel = (TodoMasterModel) view.getTag();
                showAddEditDialog(todoMasterModel, AddEditDialogFragment.ACTION_Edit);
                Log.i("TextView", todoMasterModel.toString());
            public void onImageButtonClick(View view) {
                TodoMasterModel todoMasterModel = (TodoMasterModel) view.getTag();
                Log.i("Delete", todoMasterModel.toString());

    I made a setter method in my TodoViewHolder and used its reference as below:

    private OnTodoActionListener mOnTodoActionListener;
    public void setListener(OnTodoActionListener onTodoActionListener) {
        mOnTodoActionListener = onTodoActionListener;
    void onCheckBoxChange(CompoundButton compoundButton, boolean checked) {
        mOnTodoActionListener.onCheckBoxChange(compoundButton, checked);
    void onTextViewClick(View view) {
    void onImageButtonClick(View view) {

    And lastly, I set the listener created in Activity as:

    FirebaseRecyclerAdapter mHomeRecyclerAdapter = new FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<TodoModel, TodoViewHolder>(TodoModel.class, R.layout.list_item_home, TodoViewHolder.class, mDatabaseReferenceTodo) {
            public void populateViewHolder(TodoViewHolder todoViewHolder, TodoModel todoModel, int position) {
                TodoMasterModel todoMasterModel = new TodoMasterModel(getRef(position).getKey(), todoModel);

    And Finally, I am now able to create a fully working demo of "Todo App" using Firebase Realtime Database. I will post the link to Github once I upload it. Thanks.

    Update: You can have my demo of Todo App created using firebase database. Here's link: Firebase Database Demo