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Pass Ionic2 popover ngModel value to and call function in parent Page component?

Here's what I am trying to do.

  • Putting group radio buttons in the Ionic2 popover menu.
  • The options are actually controling which JSON file the content is going to load.
  • User select an option, close the popover, content will update accordingly in the page.

I am not sure how to pass value from a Ionic2 Popover to it's parent component. If I understand it correctly Ionic2's Popover is a child component. However I dont know how to pass the [(ngModel)] value out.

I know it looks messy here... well if only someones kind enough to make a simple example of how to pass value from PopOver to the Page...

So... this all in one file:

import {Component, Injectable, Input, Output, EventEmitter} from '@angular/core';
import {ViewController, NavController, Popover, Content, Events, NavParams} from 'ionic-angular';
import {CardService} from '../../providers/card-service/card-service';
import {LangService} from '../../providers/lang-service/lang-service';
import {GlobalService} from '../../providers/global-service';   

The Popover component:

@Component({template: `
    <ion-list  radio-group [(ngModel)]="selected"  (ionChange)="loadc(selected)"> 

        <ion-item  *ngFor="let chapter of menuArray">
<ion-radio value="{{chapter.cchap}}" ></ion-radio>

    providers: [CardService, LangService, GlobalService],
directives: [LangService]

export class ChapterService{
private chpselected : any;
private menuArray: any;
    private viewCtrl: ViewController,
    private navController: NavController,
    public cardService: CardService,
    public langService: LangService,
    public globalService: GlobalService

    ) {
        this.menuArray = [
                id: 0,
                cchap: '01',
                ctitle: 'One',
                id: 1,
                cchap: '02',
                ctitle: 'Two',
                id: 2,
                cchap: '03',
                ctitle: 'Three',
 this.chpselected = this.menuArray[0]; 


  close() {

   Here I triggers an even when clicking the radio buttons in the popover. I want to call the loadCards() function in the HomePage class below so it returns what is selected and load the correct JSON in the DOM. However I do not how to pass this loadc() value to loadCards().

        this.globalService.nowchap = x;


Another Class here, the Page:

  templateUrl: 'build/pages/home/home.html',
    providers: [CardService, LangService, ChapterService, HomePage, GlobalService],
directives: [LangService]

export class HomePage {
public cards;
public viewmode : any;
    private navController: NavController,
    public cardService: CardService,
    public langService: LangService,
    public globalService: GlobalService
    //public chapterService: ChapterService

    this.viewmode ="read";

    /* POPOVER*/
    presentPopover(myEvent) {
    let popover = Popover.create(ChapterService);
    this.navController.present(popover, {
      ev: myEvent

/* Contents are loading here */
  public loadCards(x){
    console.log("this chp is "+x);
    .then(data => { = data;




  • No need for Service, it just complicates things..

    See complete plunkr here -

    it the caller, pass a callback...

     presentPopover(myEvent) {
        let popover = Popover.create(PopoverComponent,{
          cb: function(_data) {
        this.nav.present(popover, {
          ev: myEvent

    in the popover...

    constructor(private params: NavParams. /* removed rest for purpose of demo */ ) {
       this.callback = this.params.get('cb')
    public loadc(x) {
      // Close the popover