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Scala not letting me add integers

Here's some code which looks reasonable enough to me:

val myMap: Map[Int, Int] = ((x: Int) => Map[Int, Int](1 -> x + 1, 2 -> x + 2))(4)

When I try to compile it, I get two errors like this:

Error:(20, 68) type mismatch;
 found   : Int(1)
 required: String
    val myMap: Map[Int, Int] = ((x: Int) => Map[Int, Int](1 -> x + 1, 2 -> x + 2))(4)

I understand that my compiler is trying to use the string addition implementation of +. But why is it doing that? How do I ask the compiler to use integer addition here?

(Changing Int to Integer doesn't help.)


  • Here is a simpler example that reproduces the error:

    scala> def fail(x: Int) = 1 -> x + 1
    <console>:10: error: type mismatch;
     found   : Int(1)
     required: String
           def fail(x: Int) = 1 -> x + 1

    All of the operators in play are left-associative, so everything reads left-to-right. That is, the call chain looks like this:


    or using infix notation:

    (1 -> x) + 1

    1 -> x returns a tuple (1, x) and a tuple does not have a + method, so the compiler attempts to implicitly convert it to a String via toString, because String does have a + method, which eventually fails because Int is required.

    Just use parentheses to group things appropriately:

    scala> def foo(x: Int) = 1 -> (x + 1)
    foo: (x: Int)(Int, Int)