I couldn't find any information on how to order objects in a priority queue. I tried this:
class Person {
bool operator<(const Person& p) {
return age < p.age;
int main() {
priority_queue<Person*> people;
people.push(new Person("YoungMan", 21));
people.push(new Person("Grandma", 83));
people.push(new Person("TimeTraveler", -5000));
people.push(new Person("Infant", 1));
while (!people.empty()) {
cout << people.top()->name;
delete people.top();
And it's supposed to give priority based on age (older people get higher priority, and thus leave the queue first), but it doesn't work. But I'm getting this output:
And I have no idea what this is ordered by, but it's definitely not age.
actually orders based on comparing the memory addresses of Person
object using the comparator std::less<Person*>
Declare a priority_queue<Person>
instead to order based on the operator<
you provided.
Or if you insist on using pointers (for some reason) then declare as:
auto age_comp = [](const std::unique_ptr<Person>& lhs, const std::unique_ptr<Person>& rhs) -> bool {
return *lhs < *rhs;
std::priority_queue<std::unique_ptr<Person>, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Person>>,
decltype(age_comp)> people(age_comp);
// note: must pass age_comp to std::priority_queue constructor here as
// lambda closure types have deleted default constructors
Note that this is using smart pointers not raw pointers, the former are much more commonly used in modern C++ - don't use raw pointers unless you have a very good reason to.
Also, operator<
of Person
should be const
specified as it shouldn't change the Person
object it belongs to at any point - the comparator of std::priority_queue
expects the const
and will likely throw an error if the operator<
does not have const
specification. So, alter operator<
bool operator<(const Person& p) const {
return age < p.age;