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R is broken with "dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libpcre.1.dylib"

I'm trying to follow Brew doctor: dyld: Library not loaded & Error: No available formula for zlib but it isn't helping. I had my R working earlier today but I installed r-essentials through conda (how my R was installed originally) and am now getting the following error:

$ which R

$ /Users/jespinoz/anaconda/bin/R
dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libpcre.1.dylib
  Referenced from: /Users/jespinoz/anaconda/lib/R/lib/libR.dylib
  Reason: image not found
Trace/BPT trap: 5


  • I ended up deleting my entire anaconda directory and reinstalling :(

    In hindsight, I realized that I needed to make a shellscript just incase anything weird happened and I needed to reinstall everything again. Everytime I install a new module that I think will be useful I just add it to here.

    Here's all my Python and R packages:

    # Python
    conda install xarray --yes
    conda install holoviews --yes
    conda install seaborn --yes
    conda install scikit-learn --yes
    conda install scikit-image --yes
    conda install -c scikit-bio --yes
    conda install dill --yes
    conda install pandas --yes
    conda install numpy --yes
    conda install networkx --yes
    conda install scipy --yes
    pip install fastcluster
    conda install -c jjhelmus tensorflow=0.8.0rc0 --yes
    conda install bokeh --yes
    conda install BioPython --yes
    conda install tqdm --yes
    pip install git+
    conda install dask --yes
    conda install numba --yes
    pip install nbopen
    pip install nbextensions
    pip install
    conda install html5lib --yes
    pip install selenium
    conda install phantoms --yes
    pip install pubchempy —yes
    conda install --channel rdkit --yes
    conda install --channel bioservices --yes
    conda install --channel orange-bioinformatics
    pip install plotly
    pip install ete3
    # R
    conda install -c r r --yes
    conda install -c r r-essentials --yes
    conda install -c r r-rserve --yes
    conda install -c r r-devtools --yes
    conda install -c r r-rcurl --yes
    conda install -c r r-RJSONIO --yes
    conda install -c r r-jpeg --yes
    conda install -c r r-png --yes
    conda install -c r r-roxygen2 --yes
    conda install --channel bioconductor-edger --yes