I am currently in the process of programming a text-based adventure in Python as a learning exercise. So far, the player can name themselves, the value of which is stored in a dictionary key. However, when I attempt to allow the player to choose their race, I get the following error:
cannot concatenate 'str' and 'builtin_function_or_method' objects
I have gone over my code time and time again and can't seem to figure out what's wrong. I'm somewhat new to Python, so I assume it's something simple I'm overlooking.
player = {
"name": "",
"gender": "",
"race": "",
"class": "",
"HP": 10,
def error():
print "Error: Unknown Command"
print "You will have to forgive me, " + player['name'] + ". My eyesight isn't what it used to be. What are you, exactly?."
print "- A mighty HUMAN"
print "- A hardy DWARF"
print "- An ingenious GNOME "
print "- or an elegant ELF"
print "(Hint: If you would like to know more about each race, consult the manual, whatever that means)"
player_race = raw_input(">> ").lower
while race_confirm == False:
if player_race != "elf":
print "You say you're a " + player_race + ". Is that correct? Remember, you will be unable to change your race later. (Y/N)"
response = raw_input(">> ").lower()
print "You say you're an " + player_race + ". Is that correct? Remember, you will be unable to change your race later. (Y/N)"
response = raw_input(">> ").lower()
if response == "y":
player_race = player['race']
print "It is nice to meet you, ", player['name'] + "the" + player['race'] + "."
race_confirm = True
elif response == "n":
print "Oh, I'm terribly sorry. I must have misheard you. What did you say you were again?"
player_name = raw_input(">> ")
You need to call that lower method, it's a callable attribute:
player_race = raw_input(">> ").lower()
# ^^