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Elixir stream audio to users

The following code streams a file to a process. I want to stream audio/mp3 to many users who will hear it via html5 audio tag. How can it be done via!?

defmodule Test do

    def start do
        p = spawn(Test, :say, [])
        send p, {self, "a message"}

    def say do
        receive do
          {from, msg} ->
            IO.puts "Process #{inspect self} says: #{msg}"
            stream_bytes = 128
  !("./song.mp3", [], stream_bytes)
            |> Enum.each(fn chunk ->
                IO.inspect chunk

$: iex test.ex

iex(1)> Test.start


<<171, 46, 254, 26, 163, 32, 178, 27, 0, 75, 17, 35, 4, 236, 51, 57, 5, 144, 154, 198, 166, 47, 62, 4, 61, 85, 67, 135, 16, 34, 82, 49, 57, 176, 131, 96, 116, 152, 232, 24, 32, 140, 220, 67, 73, 128, 165, 178, 230, 202, ...>> <<100, 220, 156, 191, 38, 0, 161, 117, 80, 16, 102, 91, 22, 5, 8, 66, 26, 7, 193, 155, 193, 66, 198, 28, 157, 244, 65, 131, 204, 240, 5, 172, 143, 44, 173, 85, 144, 2, 157, 144, 145, 97, 200, 236, 16, 49, 149, 150, 133, 67, ...>> <<150, 54, 37, 254, 192, 218, 218, 26, 69, 231, 88, 124, 33, 129, 169, 66, 117, 52, 214, 134, 130, 103, 85, 130, 48, 6, 144, 221, 153, 132, 8, 181, 26, 27, 83, 140, 54, 117, 149, 7, 60, 144, 237, 248, 132, 12, 210, 51, 103, 116, ...>> <<57, 2, 143, 220, 198, 182, 22, 177, 231, 126, 187, 147, 33, 9, 1, 5, 164, 2, 36, 105, 47, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 245, 54, 51, 225, 104, 98, 1, 184, 148, 206, 50, 135, 230, 28, 50, 47, 144, 134, 53, 16, 64, 130, 192, 198, ...>> ..............

how can I use JavaScript to read this binary data and hear it via audio tag ?


  • If you're using a plug based web framework it should be reasonably straight forward. This is possible if you're using plug directly or if you're using it from within phoenix (which is based on plug).

    Maybe a plug like this would do the trick

    defmodule Audio do
      @chunk_size 128
      def init(opts), do: opts
      def song(conn, _opts) do
        conn = conn
        |> send_chunked(200)
        |> put_resp_header("content-type", "audio/mpeg")
   !("/some/song/somewhere.mp3", [], @chunk_size)
        |> Enum.into(conn)

    Maybe you want to hook up your plug to a phoenix router like this

    defmodule MyApp.Router do
      use MyApp.Web, :router
      get "/the_song", Audio, :song

    Then in your page

    <audio src="/the_song">
        Your browser does not support the <code>audio</code> element.