The android developer page gives the following information on the variable option for peek cards:
When this peek mode is selected, peek cards will be as tall as needed, while maintaining enough space at the top to draw the system time and status icons.
How can one tell the card how much space it has?
I ask because my cards seem to be displaying as short but the face adjusts to the size of the cards and two lined cards are desired.
EDIT: I did not get the behavior that I was looking for because I used the wrong method to change the settings. Since the integers being called had meanings for the function, the program operated.
PEEK_OPACITY_MODE_TRANSLUCENT is the same value (1) as PEEK_MODE_SHORT so the second line over rode the first.
The correct code is:
Be sure to use .setCardPeekMode() for the height of the card and .setPeekOpacityMode() for translucency.
Because the same integer values are called for height and opacity, it is possible to use WatchFaceStyle.PEEK_OPACITY_MODE_OPAQUE in setCardPeekMood and WatchFaceStyle.PEEK_OPACITY_MODE_TRANSLUCENT in setPeekOpacityMode(). This can cause undesired effects.