How to implement an 'undo' functionality for an Office Add-In using the JavaScript API?
Right now all changes made by an Add-In are non-reversible by the user and it appears that Microsoft is not working on an easy way to enable the Add-In changes being 'undoable'. Even though developers have been requesting this feature:
Thanks for bringing this up.
The fact that the undo stack gets cleared when you execute the APIs is -- for Excel -- unfortunately unavoidable. You get the same behavior in VBA or VSTO, and it has to do with the way that Excel is fundamentally designed. Perhaps we could be a tad better at remembering undos for trivial operations, but even the UI itself or Excel Online will clear away the undo stack for things like deleting a sheet.
That being said, I do appreciate both suggestions, and have already passed them along to the team. Namely:
We'll see what we can do.