So, I have these functions:
funk1 <- function(a,x,l,r) {
funk2 <- function(x,l,r) {
sapply(x, function (s) {
integrate(funk1, lower = 0, upper = s, x=s, l=l, r=r)$value })}
which are used to explain the data y in,
z <- data.frame(ts = 1:100,
y = funk2(1:100, l = 1, r = 1) + rpois(100, 1:100))
I wish to use optim to maximise the likelihood, so I defined a likelihood function:
LL_funk <- function(l,r) {
R = sum((funk2(ts,l,r) - y)^2)
logl = -((n/2)*log(R))
and I tried to fit using optim
fit <- optim(par=c(0.5,0.5), fn= LL_funk, method="Nelder-Mead")
But I get an error:
Error in integrate(funk1, lower = 0, upper = s, x = s, l = l, r = r) :
a limit is missing
I am not sure why? I could run nls fitting funk2(x,l,r) to y
nls(y ~ funk2(ts,l,r), data = z, start = list(l = 0.5, r = 0.5))
That means funk2 is working. I guess its the problem with LL function that I have designed, which I cant figure out!! Please Help!
Yup! There were two problems with your function. This worked for me:
LL_funk <- function(params) {
l = params[1]
r = params[2]
R = sum((funk2(z$ts,l,r) - z$y)^2)
logl = -((n/2)*log(R))
Previous issues:
only takes 1 argument, which is the vector of parameters.R
, ts
and y
were not actually referring to columns in your dataset.