How do I view the progress for converting a Movie with the following QTKit code?
NSDictionary *dict = [NSDictionary
[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES], QTMovieExport,
[NSNumber numberWithLong:kQTFileType3GPP],
QTMovieExportType, nil];
[[movieView movie] writeToFile:@"/tmp/sample.3gp"
i.e. I want to view the progress of the movie conversion such that I can display it in a progress bar.
Taken from this site:
If the movie is very large, this method could take quite a while to complete. During that time, the user would be unable to do anything with the application except move windows around. Not very exciting.
A slightly better solution involves using the movie:shouldContinueOperation:withPhase:atPercent:withAttributes: delegate method. This is a wrapper around QuickTime's movie progress function, which will be used to display a dialog box showing the progress of the export and to allow the user to cancel the operation. Here try this
- (BOOL)movie:(QTMovie *)movie
shouldContinueOperation:(NSString *)op
atPercent:(NSNumber *)percent
withAttributes:(NSDictionary *)attributes
OSErr err = noErr;
NSEvent *event;
double percentDone = [percent doubleValue] * 100.0;
switch (phase) {
case QTMovieOperationBeginPhase:
// set up the progress panel
[progressText setStringValue:op];
[progressBar setDoubleValue:0];
// show the progress sheet
[NSApp beginSheet:progressPanel
modalForWindow:[movieView window] modalDelegate:nil
didEndSelector:nil contextInfo:nil];
case QTMovieOperationUpdatePercentPhase:
// update the percent done
[progressBar setDoubleValue:percentDone];
[progressBar display];
case QTMovieOperationEndPhase:
[NSApp endSheet:progressPanel];
[progressPanel close];
// cancel (if requested)
event = [progressPanel
untilDate:[NSDate distantPast]
inMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode dequeue:YES];
if (event && NSPointInRect([event locationInWindow],
[cancelButton frame])) {
[cancelButton performClick:self];
err = userCanceledErr;
return (err == noErr);
Hope this helps.
If you need any help do let me know. let me know if this helped a lil.