Search code examples

Node: Twitter search api request issue

I am observing the wrong output while hitting Twitter search api and i am using this npm module.

I am passing since, from, until parameters to the api, but i am not getting any tweet where as generating the cURL request from the Twitter's oauth signature generator tool gives the correct response.

var TWITTER_SEARCH = 'search/tweets';
twitter.get(TWITTER_SEARCH, { q: criteria }, function (err, result, response) {
        console.log('Got %d tweets', result.statuses.length);
        return cb(err, result, response);

I have supplied criteria in following ways"

  • from%3AJeffMcMahon_Chi since%3A2016-07-17 until%3A2016-07-20
  • from%3AJeffMcMahon_Chi%20since%3A2016-07-17%20until%3A2016-07-20%20

I always get 0 tweets whereas there exists tweets between these dates ( I am getting tweets through cURL request via Postman tool).

Received Response

{ statuses: [],
   { completed_in: 0.02,
     max_id: 755754337922641900,
     max_id_str: '755754337922641920',
     query: 'from%253AJeffMcMahon_Chi%2520since%253A2016-07-17%2520until%253A2016-07-20%2520',
     refresh_url: '?since_id=755754337922641920&q=from%253AJeffMcMahon_Chi%2520since%253A2016-07-17%2520until%253A2016-07-20%2520&include_entities=1',
     count: 15,
     since_id: 0,
     since_id_str: '0' } }

Am i passing parameter in wrong format ? What should be the right format ?


  • Removing the URI encoding from the criteria resolves the issue for me.

    Now Criteria looks like

    from:my_screen_name since:2016-07-14 until:2016-07-18