I am using Spinnaker and AWS to deploy services and I'd like to configure the health-check for an app. My app (a SpringBoot one) provides its own healthcheck endpoint and it registers itself with Eureka for service discovery. The service itself has no load balancer configured in Spinnaker (Eureka takes that responsibility).
This comment https://github.com/spinnaker/spinnaker/issues/180#issuecomment-64054004 hints that Eureka can be a healthCheck provider for an app:
We currently have three healthCheckProviders. AWS, ELB, and Eureka.
. However, I couldn't find any documentation how to enable this.
Please help.
I have a working setup with the below configuration. I have not tried the region placeholder, but according to Github, it will work correctly.
enabled: true
- name: myaccount
- us-west-2
readOnlyUrl: "http://myeurekahost:8080/eureka"