So, "\", is crushing my soul. I'm working on a query for RMySQL
that requires some strange string escapes and I can't seem to find the right invocation of paste.
query <- 'CALL `storedprocX`(1, 30, "\'xyz-f43\', \'1002\'")'
My attempts so far have been close but I can't seem to get the literal backslashes in the right spot.
ids <- c("xyz-f43","1002")
x <- 1
y <- 30
paste0('CALL `storedprocX`(',x,',',y,paste0(" \\'",ids,"\\'",collapse = ","),')')
Anyone have experience with this?
I am not familiar with RMySQL but isn't the SQL engine taking care of escaping?
> esc.ids = paste(sprintf("\\'%s\\'", ids), collapse = ", ")
> esc.ids = paste0("\"", esc.ids, "\"", collapse = "")
> my.q = paste0("'CALL `storedprocX`(1, 30, ", esc.ids, ")'", collapse = "")
> cat(my.q)
'CALL `storedprocX`(1, 30, "\'xyz-f43\', \'1002\'")'
> nchar(my.q)
[1] 52
Would SQL not do the same cat does here?