Given an array of n
integers and a number, d
, perform left rotations on the array. Then print the updated array as a single line of space-separated integers.
Sample Input:
5 4
1 2 3 4 5
The first line contains two space-separated integers denoting the respective values of n
(the number of integers) and d
(the number of left rotations you must perform).
The second line contains n
space-separated integers describing the respective elements of the array's initial state.
Sample Output:
5 1 2 3 4
static void Main(String[] args)
string[] arr_temp = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ');
int n = Int32.Parse(arr_temp[0]);
int d = Int32.Parse(arr_temp[1]);
string[] arr = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ');
string[] ans = new string[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
ans[(i + n - d) % n] = arr[i];
for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
Console.Write(ans[j] + " ");
How to use less memory to solve this problem?
This will use less memory in most cases as the second array is only as big as the shift.
public static void Main(string[] args)
int[] n = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
LeftShiftArray(n, 4);
Console.WriteLine(String.Join(",", n));
public static void LeftShiftArray<T>(T[] arr, int shift)
shift = shift % arr.Length;
T[] buffer = new T[shift];
Array.Copy(arr, buffer, shift);
Array.Copy(arr, shift, arr, 0, arr.Length - shift);
Array.Copy(buffer, 0, arr, arr.Length - shift, shift);