Search code examples

data-sly-list how to check for first item

Using data-sly-list I can iterate over a list object in Sightly, but how can I check for first


and add a specific class to it ? Also, how to display every item separately ? for now my list looks like one LI with all items separated by coma. (<li> item1,item2,item3 </li>)

<ol data-sly-list="${currentPage.title}">

I did try with:

<div data-sly-test="${!first}">

but didn't worked... any ideas ?


  • Check the spec, you can use the itemList variable for this:

    <ol data-sly-list="${['a', 'b', 'c']}">
      <li class="${itemList.first?'first':''}">${item}</li>