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Sonarqube incorrect report for duplicated code

I am a newbie to SonarQube and trying to use the tool for measuring my product quality.

In some cases, I found that the duplicated lines is reported incorrectly by SonarQube . The number of lines of code is less than the duplicated lines. How can that be ? Either the count of lines of code is incorrect or the count of duplicated lines is incorrect.

Assuming it could be a problem with my code alone, I visited the demo page of Sonarqube

There as well , I found that one of the cases the lines of code is less than duplicated lines.

Where is the issue ? How do I address it ?

Screenshot of the error from sonar demo


  • What you're seeing is the difference between Lines and Lines of Code. For instance, how many of each are below:

    public void foo() {
      int i = 0;
      for (int j=0; j < 10; j++) 

    I'd say that's 4 LoC (maybe 5. Don't remember if the '}' counts) but 9 Lines.