I am hosting a SIP server in EC2 using elastic IP. However, I read that SIP server doesn't really work well if the server is not public facing (using NAT), because from what I read at AWS site, elastic IP is using 1:1 NAT.
The Elastic IP address is mapped to the instance using 1:1 NAT. The instance itself is not aware of the public address.
Is there any public facing non-NAT static IP address that I can buy from Amazon and assign to my server? Or, this action is actually useless?
You can't have EC2 instance with public IP without NAT. Nevertheless all major PBX, proxy server or SIP server should work well with NAT. Freeswitch for example even have manual for running it in EC2:
If you still want to get rid of NAT, you can try Digitalocean, it is similar to Amazon but without NAT.