I've got:
I'm debugging a Xamarin Forms app on Xamarin iOS Simulator on PC.
When I browse in safari within Xamarin iOS Simulator, Fiddler captures it. However, when my app makes some requests to my local backend (HTTP not HTTPS) I don't see them. If I run the app in a Windows simulator, the requests are captured.
Am I missing a step?
I can now use Fiddler with Azure mobile app, Xamarin and ios tks to @user6581605 as well as this post: https://shellmonger.com/2016/06/23/using-modernhttpclient-with-azure-mobile-apps/
I installed the modernhttpclient nuget from Paul Betts : https://www.nuget.org/packages/modernhttpclient/
Then I instanciate my MobilerServiceClient this way:
var client = new MobileServiceClient("https://mysite.azurewebsites.net",
new ModernHttpClient.NativeMessageHandler());
To finish update info.plist with