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Getting FQDN for current user in c#

I encountered a apparently simple problem but which is giving me some trouble.

Let's suppose I have two trusted AD domains: DEMO.intern and

I need to get the FQDN for the current user in my app which uses Windows auth. Users from both domains can use it. I need to know which user comes from which domain.





fails returning DEMO in both cases.

I know that:


gives me the full domain name for the local computer but how can this be achieved for the current logged in user?

I also tried:

var host = Dns.GetHostEntry(Environment.UserDomainName);

with no success giving me the error "No such host is known". So how can I obtain the full domain name for the logged in user for example DEMO.intern not just DEMO?


  • After some research, this gets the job done:

    public static class GetUserNameExUtil
        #region Interop Definitions
        public enum EXTENDED_NAME_FORMAT 
            NameUnknown = 0,
            NameFullyQualifiedDN = 1,
            NameSamCompatible = 2,
            NameDisplay = 3,
            NameUniqueId = 6,
            NameCanonical = 7,
            NameUserPrincipal = 8,
            NameCanonicalEx = 9,
            NameServicePrincipal = 10,
            NameDnsDomain = 12,
        [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("secur32.dll", CharSet = System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet.Auto)]
        public static extern int GetUserNameEx(int nameFormat, StringBuilder userName, ref int userNameSize);
        public static string GetUserName(EXTENDED_NAME_FORMAT nameFormat)
            if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform != PlatformID.Win32NT)
                return null;
            StringBuilder userName = new StringBuilder(1024);
            int userNameSize = userName.Capacity;
            if (GetUserNameEx((int)nameFormat, userName, ref userNameSize) != 0)
                string[] nameParts = userName.ToString().Split('\\');
                return nameParts[0];
            return null;
        public static string GetUserFullName()
            return GetUserName(EXTENDED_NAME_FORMAT.NameDnsDomain);