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ember get current user information from session and setting currentUser to use inside template

I am using ember-simple-auth library with rails token based authentication in the backend. ember version is:

ember-cli: 2.6.2
node: 6.3.0
ember-simple-auth: 1.1.0

I was successfully able to logged in a user. But can't able to access current user information. The following code is working:

    {{#if session.isAuthenticated}}
      <p>i m logged in</p>
      <a href="#" {{action 'logout'}}>Logout</a>
      <p>i m not logged in</p>

but the following code is not working


I wanted to get user information but failed. So, I dig into the mater and used ember helper as:

<p>{{log session}}</p>

It helped me and I was able to get current user information like:


which is good but I want something like the following:


or simply:


how can I change my application controller, so that it will be able to get current user information in a better way. My application controller code is:

// /app/controllers/application.js

import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Controller.extend({
  session: Ember.inject.service('session'),

  actions: {
    logout() {
      this.flash.success('Successfully logged out!', 5000);


  • Your session data is available in the session object data property. Check out the "authenticate" method in the docs for more info.

    So you can access it i.e {{}} . Depending on your session data you could make a computed property in your controller so it looks better in your template...

      currentUser: Ember.computed('', function() {
        return this.get('');