For example, given:
<banana source='Ecuador' category='I'>
<banana source='Costa Rica' category='I'>
Say I want to change
<banana source='Costa Rica' category='I'>
<banana source='Costa Rica' category='II'>
or its quantity to 2, how would I reference it if I want to filter on both the source and the initial category value?
I'm trying to do the following:
xmlstarlet ed -u "/fruit/banana[@source='Ecuador' @category='I']/quantity" -v 2
...but this results in a syntax error, as follows:
Invalid predicate: /fruit/banana[@source='Ecuador' @category='I']/quantity
Invalid expression: /fruit/banana[@source='Ecuador' @category='I']/quantity
After quite a bit of trial and error, reached a solution:
I need to close and re-open [] with the next attribute. For example:
xmlstarlet ed -u "/fruit/banana[@source='Ecuador'][@category='I']/quantity" -v 2 example.xml
And would correctly output:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<banana source="Ecuador" category="I">
<banana source="Costa Rica" category="I">
Edit: also works:
xmlstarlet ed -u "/fruit/banana[@source='Ecuador' and @category='I']/quantity" -v 2 example.xml