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Haxe - Looping animation movieclips from SWF library causes memory leak

I create var for my movieclip that has long animation like this:

public var swftest = Assets.getMovieClip ("library:MovieclipA");

and then I add it on screen like this:

public function animation_test()

for some reason it causes memory leak, as if Haxe doesnt know how to handle looping animation in a movieclip... If I do swftest.gotoAndStop(1); it wont anymore cause memory leak... If I let swftest just play, it will cause crash in about 50 seconds as it takes more and more memory.

Here is snippet from project.xml where I enable loading assets from library.swf if it helps to solve this problem:

<!-- classpath, haxe libs -->
<source path="src" />
<haxelib name="openfl" />
<haxelib name="swf" />
<haxelib name="actuate" />

<!-- assets -->

<library path="Assets/library.swf" type="swflite" preload="true" generate="true" />

<assets path="Assets" rename="assets" exclude="openfl.svg|*.swf" />
<icon path="Assets/openfl.svg" />

Help sincerely appreciated!


  • Solved it by switching type="swflite" to type="swf" from project.xml.

    Here is part of my project.xml that lets me use .swf library:

    <haxelib name="swf" />
    <library path="Assets/library.swf" type="swf" preload="true" generate="true" />
    <assets path="Assets" rename="assets" exclude="openfl.svg|*.swf" embed="true" />

    Now it works just fine, no memory leak.