I have openshift server running on my machine. I am using the web console to create and build images from github repository.
I want to deploy a pod on openshift using an image that I already built in openshift. So I run the buildConfig from the web console using a template file. I am having this error
DeploymentConfig "aliaboudkafkajava7-kafka" is invalid:
spec.triggers[1].imageChangeParams.from.name: Invalid value:
"aliaboudkafkajava7": invalid ImageStreamTag: aliaboudkafkajava7.
I already have a build with output image : big/aliaboudkafkajava7:latest
but this error is always showing.
Any idea why this error is blowing out ?
Use the console or oc
[1] to:
[1] oc edit dc/aliaboudkafkajava7-kafka