I have a problem with CVS KEYWORD. Let me explain: In my source files (*.c) I have in the header a keyword "$Id" and this after checkout return a string:
read.adb,v 2005/02/20 17:57:20 dprice Exp
But my team and another team, use a different version of CVS for the same project. When they make a checkout of the software, the $Id keyword expression return:
read.adb,v 2005-02-20 17:57:20 dprice Exp
the string is different for the format of data separation: from "/" to "-". This is a very big problem when I generate a md5. This md5 will be different for each team.
How I can change the string of $Id ?
I modify rcs.c source code:
sprintf (buf, "%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", year, mon, mday, hour, min, sec);
but I don't understand why I had a different result with the same version of cvs.