Does the iOS version of Pokemon GO contain a URL Scheme for purposes of launching Pokemon GO from another iOS application?
The URL Scheme has changed to com.googleusercontent.apps.848232511240-dmrj3gba506c9svge2p9gq35p1fg654p
in version 1.1.0. Version 1.1.1 uses this URL Scheme also.
Discovered the URL Scheme thanks to @rmaddy's comment. The URL Scheme to open Pokemon GO on an iOS device is, b335b2fc-69dc-472c-9e88-e6c97f84091c-3://
. Seems like they do not intend for other developers to use the URL Scheme considering the way it is formatted. I'd be cautious implementing this in a published application for now.
Swift example:
// Check if Pokemon GO app installed on device
if let url = URL(string: "b335b2fc-69dc-472c-9e88-e6c97f84091c-3://"), UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url) {
else {
// Pokemon GO not installed
// Do something else
Also, starting at iOS 9 you must include LSApplicationQueriesSchemes
in your info.plist