I am trying to read data from HL7 files using Talend. The component that I am using is tHl7Input component.
Job :
The sample file that I am using is below:
OBR|1|341856649^HNAM_ORDERID|000002006326002362|648088^Basic Metabolic Panel|||20061122151600|||||||||1620^Hooker^Robert^L||||||20061122154733|||F|||||||||||20061122140000|
Hl7 Component Configuration:
But I am not able to extract the data from it.
Output which I am getting with null values:
I have read the forum of Talend to read the Hl7 files, but i not not able to extract the same.
Any inputs on this would be helpfull.
I have never use Talend. This is based on the screenshots you have given.
Your mappings are off by +1.
MSH.1 should hardcode to | (pipe).
MSH.2 should map to newColumn4.
MSH.3 should map to Name1, and output shall be Cerner.
MSH.4 should map to Name3, and output will be null as there is nothing in the message.
So on and so forth.
You need to change your data map to use accurate hl7 component names - Encoding characters, Sending Application etc. Otherwise, at the end of assignment you will end up confused.