I am using QBChatMessage to get all messages sent in the chat.
I have uploaded the user's image in admin panel of quickblox. Now, i am facing problem in getting the image from quickblox contents.
If anyone knows, please help me. As I have already tried getting the user image using message.senderID but it is not succeeding.
Have you tried this approach? First of all you should get user by id, and then check his avatarURl
and blobID
QBRequest.userWithID(message.senderID, successBlock: { (response :QBResponse?, user:QBUUser?) in
if user?.avatarUrl == nil {
//no avatar. Download file by user's blob id
let userProfileBlobUID = user?.blobID
QBRequest.downloadFileWithID(UInt(userProfileBlobUID!), successBlock: { (response : QBResponse,imageData: NSData) in
let image = UIImage(data:imageData)
}, statusBlock: nil, errorBlock: nil)
else {
//download image by url
}) { (response :QBResponse) in