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Display PDF file inside Magnific-Popup modal

I have a form on my website that the user needs to fill in order to generate a PDF file. If there are errors in the form, the server will respond with a json object with the list of errors, otherwise will respond with the PDF file (as a string). I'm trying to display that PDF file inside a Magnific-Popup (

    $('.preview-button').on('click', function (e) {
        var theLink     = $(this);
        var formElement = theLink.closest("form");

            url: theLink.attr('href'),
            method: 'GET',
            data: formElement.serialize(),
            success: function (response, textStatus, jqXHR) {
                var contentType = jqXHR.getResponseHeader("content-type") || "";
                if(contentType.indexOf('pdf') > -1){
                    // How can I tell to magnific popup to display the response as PDF?
                        // tell magnific popup to use the response...
                        type: 'iframe', 
                        closeOnBgClick: false
                    if (response.hasOwnProperty('errors')){
                        // Form has error, show them




  • This might be useful for someone with the same problem: Instead of sending the pdf file as a response, I decided to generate a temporary pdf file in the server and send the path to that file as response. Then we can tell to magnificPopup to display it inside an iframe.