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How to make a physical copy of database?

I am looking for a solution to make a copy of a DB2 databaseusing Toad.

I have tried the db2move command like this:

db2move sample COPY -sn BASESAT -co target_db schema_map "((BASESAT,BASESAT4))" -u SATURNE

BASESAT is my database and BASESAT4 is the copy I want to create

I get this error:

enter image description here

When I tried on command mode. I got this


  • I got the solution thanks to your help. Here are the steps if someone else has the same problem: 1-create the database in which to copy (in my case BASESAT2) 2-use db2move in command mode like this: db2move dbname COPY -sn SCHEMA_OF_YOUR_DBname -co TARGET_DB dbname_copy USER user_name USING password

    Here is a screenshot.