I'm using the windows forms charts in Visual Studio, and I want to write a function that, given a chart area, and an axis returns the maximum or minimum value (XValue or Yvalue, depending on the axis argument) from the points in that chart area. I want to use the AxisName enumeration for the second argument but, as per usual, the official documentation from msdn does not cover me. Does the enum name represent an index for the Axes() property of the ChartArea class or is it a direct link to an Axis object? Do i need to declare the enum in my class (that inherits DataVisualisation.Charts), or is it already known? pls help me
Public Function getAxisMinimum(ByVal area As AreaEnum, ByVal axe As AxisName) As Double
Dim min As Double = Double.NaN
For Each ser As Series In Series
If ser.ChartArea = ChartAreas(area).Name And ser.Points.Count > 0 Then
For Each p As DataPoint In ser.Points
'compare X or Y values depending on the axe argument to set the min
End If
'If there are no points in any series in the area, it will return NaN
Return min
End Function
AreaEnum is an integer enumeration that represents the index of the ChartArea() property that corresponds to each name.
I don't need a solution as to how to compare my points' values or how to return them, I just need an explanation on how to use the AxisName enumeration
Nevermind, I think I solved it. Visual Studio's auto-complete gave me the answer, because it recognized AxisName enumeration and corrected me in the select statement. I think this works:
Public Function getAxisMinimum(ByVal area As AreaEnum, ByVal axe As AxisName) As Double
Dim min As Double = Double.NaN
For Each ser As Series In Series
If ser.ChartArea = ChartAreas(area).Name AndAlso ser.Points.Count > 0 Then
For Each p As DataPoint In ser.Points
Select Case axe
Case AxisName.X
If Double.IsNaN(min) OrElse p.XValue < min Then
min = p.XValue
End If
Case AxisName.Y
For Each Yval As Double In p.YValues
If Double.IsNaN(min) OrElse Yval < min Then
min = Yval
End If
Case Else
' Not an acceptable AxisName
Return Double.NaN
End Select
End If
'If there are no points in any series in the area, it will return NaN
Return min
End Function