sorry guys if this is nothing to you all but I seem not to get it I have a drop down and would love to populate it from the database I am using laravel 5.2 and looked at almost all questions asked on this topic and most of it is on laravel 4. I tried populating my combo from database but kept on getting the same error "ErrorException in 0fe8e1e2379436fb1f6f8c15a481341a7cff00e0.php line 22: Undefined variable: callsign " here is how I have done it form the controller l inserted this code:
$callsign = \DB::table('drivers')->lists('Code');
return view('spotCheck.create')->with('drivers', $callsign);
from my view here is the code:
{!! Form::label('Code','Select a Driver') !!}
{!! Form::select('Code', $callsign, null, ['class' => 'form-control']) !!}
the question is what I am i not doing write and whats up with the error how does my controller know where to populate drop down
for the controller I had to do this
$drive = DB::table('drivers')->lists('Code');
return view('mypage',compact('drive'));
and on the view did this
{!! Form::label ('Call Sign:',null, ['class'=>"control-label"])!!}
{!! Form::select('call_sign', $drive, null, ['class' => 'form-control' , 'id' => 'sel']) !!}