I am trying to use schema migration as i have my models in which i had two models previously and i have created three more models. I have tried several commands like
python manage.py schemamigration appname --add modelname
python manage.py schemamigration appname
python manage.py schemamigration
python manage.py schemamigration appname --fake
but no luck
sometimes it gives me the error
You have not passed any of --initial, --auto, --empty, --add-model, --add-field or --add-index.
and sometimes this one
sage: manage.py schemamigration [options]
Creates a new template schema migration for the given app
manage.py: error: ambiguous option: --add (--add-field, --add-index, --add-model?)
i am new to django so want some help.
Finally got it
python manage.py schemamigration appname --auto