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Error manually adding framework required by another framework

I'm trying to implement this wonderful framework:

The framework requires Facebook Pop, I don't like using cocoa pod so I added Pop manually, like this:

enter image description here enter image description here

And I linked Pop to Koloda, Koloda to main project.

I succeeded running on simulator, but When I ran on iPhone, after the app launches, the compiler says:

dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/pop.framework/pop
Referenced from: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/9FC4B4D6-35AE-4233-9873-13905A64F725/Memory
Reason: image not found


  • Big thanks to @kamal and @JingJingTao for trying so hard to help me with this problem, I solved eventually with Cocoa Pods.

    There seems to be some code signing issue with Xcode 7, which is marked out in Xcode 8, unfortunately I wasn't able to use Xcode 8 to build due to the other libraries need upgrade, this problem seem to be very common: dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libswift_stdlib_core.dylib

    Eventually, as @JingJingTao suggested, I had to try Cocoa Pods, and it worked, guess for now, it's the only solution.

    Last thoughts, Cocoa Pods has an open community, people discuss and fix almost every issue you can encounter, while with Xcode, when you are freaking out with a problem, no one will tap on your shoulder and say: "Hey this is a bug and we will fix it later. " because, they are not open source.