I want to change the following if statements to guards. Doing so throws the following error Initializer for conditional binding must have Optional type, not '(Bool, String)' Any idea how I should go about it? Any help will be appreciated. Thank you
dispatch_async(backgroundQueue, {
let (success, errmsg) = client.connect(timeout: 5)
if success {
let (success, errmsg) = client.send(str: self.jsonString)
if success {
let data = client.read(ApplicationConfig.expectedByteLength)
if let d = data {
if let recievedMsg = String(bytes: d, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding){
let (success, errormsg) = client.close()
}else {
print("Message not sent", errmsg)
Because you declare the variable without the ?
(non optional) and also given it default value so the guard
assume it never nil
thats why u got the error, u still can use guard like this guard let object: Type = data else {...}