I've recently uploaded a website, and I'm having issues with images displaying: Some of my images won't load and return a 503: service unavailable error.
In fact, I think the only images that load are the ones saved in cache memory, because if I refresh the page 3-4 times all the images get loaded.
I tried to contact my host, but they only responded I had low speed problems (Google tools tell me I should absolutely resize my images) and I'm not sure 4 images, even if they are big, cause too much trouble to get uploaded, am I wrong?
For further details, here is for example a page that bugs:
It appears as though anything that has c9users.io in the url such as http://cookeup-arthurdeschamps23.c9users.io/imagesArticles/Jennifer/2nd%20step.jpg is getting redirected for login details. Which can be replicated by simply attempting to visit that URL.
For the images that work, such as the title: http://cookeup.fr/Frontend/images/title.jpg you can see that these are not being redirected. I assume that there will be a redirect in the .htaccess for the website.
To get around this the easy way, I would try and put the images which aren't working in the same directory as the title.
As for the image size issue, I always compress everything with https://tinypng.com/ .