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ClientLoginError UberSDK

I have followed the exact implementation of Uber iOS SDK in my iOS app as mentioned here, and made sure that Callback URI schemes are registered in the uber developer dashboard which i have used in the app. But its throwing UBSDKRidesClientError. Here is my code for the button:

UBSDKRideRequestButton *button = [[UBSDKRideRequestButton alloc] init];

UBSDKRidesClient *ridesClient = [[UBSDKRidesClient alloc] init];

__block UBSDKRideParametersBuilder *builder = [[UBSDKRideParametersBuilder alloc] init];
builder = [builder setPickupLocation: pickupLocation];
builder = [builder setDropoffLocation: dropoffLocation];
[ridesClient fetchCheapestProductWithPickupLocation: pickupLocation completion:^(UBSDKUberProduct* _Nullable product, UBSDKResponse* _Nullable response) {

    if (product) {
        builder = [builder setProductID: product.productID];
        button.rideParameters = [builder build];
        [button loadRideInformation];

Will appreciate any help.


  • It's hard to tell without more information on the error, but I would guess that you aren't authorized. Can you check the .code of the RidesClientError you get back?

    If it is unauthorized that means you don't have a valid access token to hit the products / estimates endpoint. Either you need to log in first and get a valid access token OR include the UberServerToken entry in your Info.plist with the value of your Server Token (found on the developer dashboard)