I am trying to Use the Python API FirewallManager class's cancel_firewall() function to cancel all of the firewalls in an account.
# Connect to soflayer account
client = SoftLayer.create_client_from_env(username=user, api_key=api)
firewall_manager = SoftLayer.FirewallManager(client=client)
# Get a list of all of the firewalls in an account
firewalls = firewall_manager.get_firewalls()
# Cancel each firewall
for firewall in firewalls:
dedicated = bool(firewall["dedicatedFirewallFlag"])
firewall_manager.cancel_firewall(firewall_id=firewall["id"], dedicated=dedicated )
but when I run this code I get the error:
SoftLayerAPIError(SoftLayer_Exception_ObjectNotFound): Unable to find object with id of '284501'.
The code for canceling says that it takes a "firewall_id" but the id I give it doesnt seem to be working.... the source code for the manager is here
As I see in your code, you are sending the firewall['id'] to cancel_firewall method.
Reviewing how SLCLI works, it is filtering depending if the firewall type is a vlan, vs or server. Following the same idea, you should take in account the existing filters in the following link:
- VSI: firewall['id'] == vlan['firewallGuestNetworkComponents']*
- Server: firewall['id'] == vlan['firewallNetworkComponents']
- Vlan: firewall['id'] == vlan['networkVlanFirewall']['id']
Well, it is something tedious to understand how it works, anyway, I used the bellow script, which uses the FirewallManager to delete all firewalls:
cancels all firewall from the account
Important manual pages:
License: http://sldn.softlayer.com/article/License
Author: SoftLayer Technologies, Inc. <sldn@softlayer.com>
import SoftLayer
from SoftLayer.CLI import formatting
# Your SoftLayer username and apiKey
user = 'set me'
api = 'set me'
# Connect to SoftLayer
client = SoftLayer.create_client_from_env(username=user, api_key=api)
# Declare Firewall Manager
firewall_manager = SoftLayer.FirewallManager(client=client)
# Getting firewalls from the account
fwvlans = firewall_manager.get_firewalls()
# Getting Dedicated firewalls
dedicated_firewalls = [firewall for firewall in fwvlans if firewall['dedicatedFirewallFlag']]
# Define a Vlans array to store vlans
vlans = []
# Method from:
# https://github.com/softlayer/softlayer-python/blob/master/SoftLayer/CLI/firewall/list.py
def has_firewall_component(server):
"""Helper to determine whether or not a server has a firewall.
:param dict server: A dictionary representing a server
:returns: True if the Server has a firewall.
if server['status'] != 'no_edit':
return True
return False
for vlan in dedicated_firewalls:
features = []
if vlan['highAvailabilityFirewallFlag']:
if features:
feature_list = formatting.listing(features, separator=',')
feature_list = formatting.blank()
vlans.append('vlan:%s' % vlan['networkVlanFirewall']['id'])
shared_vlan = [firewall for firewall in fwvlans
if not firewall['dedicatedFirewallFlag']]
for vlan in shared_vlan:
vs_firewalls = [guest
for guest in vlan['firewallGuestNetworkComponents']
if has_firewall_component(guest)]
for firewall in vs_firewalls:
vlans.append('vs:%s' % firewall['id'])
server_firewalls = [server
for server in vlan['firewallNetworkComponents']
if has_firewall_component(server)]
for firewall in server_firewalls:
vlans.append('server:%s' % firewall['id'])
# Methods from:
# https://github.com/softlayer/softlayer-python/blob/master/SoftLayer/CLI/firewall/cancel.py
for item in vlans:
firewall_type, firewall_id = item.split(':')
if firewall_type in ['vs', 'server']:
print(firewall_manager.cancel_firewall(firewall_id, dedicated=False))
elif firewall_type == 'vlan':
print(firewall_manager.cancel_firewall(firewall_id, dedicated=True))
raise exceptions.CLIAbort('Unknown firewall type: %s' % firewall_type)
I hope it helps, let me know if you have any question or comments about it. Keep in mind that the script is just an idea, it can be improved.