I have a TVP with two fields.
sentence_id is the filter to select records from the table and this works perfectly. The TVP also includes a keyword. The TVP looks like this:
Create TYPE [dbo].[sentence_id_list2] AS TABLE(
[sentence_id] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
[keyword] [nvarchar](50)
I want to pass that keyword for the same sentence_id in the result so it looks like this:
123, curious, hello donna, i have a curious problem
Where sentence_id passed in from the TVP is 123, keyword is curious.
This is the stored procedure I have, just can't figure out how to include the keyword in the result.
ALTER Procedure [dbo].[chat_Get_Sentences_Table_Value_Parameter]
@sentence_keys [dbo].[sentence_id_list2] READONLY
SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT dbo.chat_All_Records_Sentence_Details.Sentence_Identifier,
-- how do I write this to insert the keyword from the TVP into the select?
(SELECT keyword FROM @sentence_keys) AS Keyword
FROM dbo.chat_All_Records_Sentence_Details
WHERE (dbo.chat_All_Records_Sentence_Details.Sentence_Identifier
IN (SELECT sentence_id FROM @sentence_keys))
Instead of using IN
simpy use an INNER JOIN
SELECT d.Sentence_Identifier,
FROM chat_All_Records_Sentence_Details AS d
INNER JOIN @sentence_keys AS sk
ON sk.sentence_id = d.Sentence_Identifier;
I have removed TOP 100 PERCENT
since this would be optimised away anyway, and also used aliases so that your identifiers are not so long.